23 Business Arena Awards for Excellence
Business people, investors and entrepreneurs have always put at the top of their wish list things like legislative stability and tax predictability, low red tape and a fair treatment. In fact, the entire society stands to benefit from improvements in areas that have a wide-reaching impact throughout the community.

On this note, Business Arena Magazine is proud to announce the upcoming 2023 Business Arena Awards
for Excellence, which recognizes the success of individuals and organizations in business, culture, sport and civil society who have seen outstanding results and achievements.

For more information please contact Cosmin Stangaciu at cosmin.stangaciu@business-arena.ro or phone 0755.274.125
Celebrating achievements, excellence and innovation, Business Arena Awards for Excellence will cover the following categories:
Award for Excellence in Car Sales
CEO of 2023
Dental Care Provider of the Year
Award for Excellence in Hospitality Industry
Entrepreneur of 2023
Industry and Technology Company of the Year
Software Company of the Year
Telecom Company of the Year
IT Firm of the Year
Energy Company of the Year
Best Real Estate Development Firm
Award for Excellence in Eyewear Production
Award for Excellence in Healthcare Services
Award for Excellence in Insurance
Award for Excellence in Banking
Farming Equipment Company of the Year
Travel Agency of the Year
Travel & Tourism Firm of the Year
CSR Project of the Year
Award for Excellence in PR & Advertising
Law Firm of the Year
Award for Excellence in Retail Development
Award for Excellence in Finance
Food & Drink Company of the Year
Award for Excellence in Sports
Excellence in Civil Society Initiatives
Industry and Technology Company of the Year
Software Company of the Year
Telecom Company of the Year
IT Firm of the Year
Energy Company of the Year
Best Real Estate Development Firm
Award for Excellence in Eyewear Production
Award for Excellence in Healthcare Services
Award for Excellence in Insurance
Award for Excellence in Banking
Farming Equipment Company of the Year
Travel Agency of the Year
Travel & Tourism Firm of the Year
CSR Project of the Year
Award for Excellence in PR & Advertising
Law Firm of the Year
Award for Excellence in Retail Development
Award for Excellence in Finance
Food & Drink Company of the Year
Award for Excellence in Sports
Excellence in Civil Society Initiatives
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