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Argentina supports agricultural investment in Romania

4009 afisari
Claudia Ariton
Sharing a common Latin background, a similar openness towards business and investment, as well as close linguistic roots, Argentina and Romania have already developed the platform to promote bilateral trade and businesses with one another. In addition to the aspects mentioned above, we discussed with Gabriel Eduardo Puente, counselor within the Embassy of Argentina in Bucharest, a number of issues in the Romanian-Argentinean partnership. In an exclusive interview with Business Arena, Puente pointed out that Romanians and Argentineans share much in common:
“A clear example of their similar attitude is the passion for the tango dance and music, which is growing rapidly in Romania. The first tango school was founded here five years ago, followed by many others.”
Another Argentinean cultural product imported in Romania is literature. “Famous Argentinean writers, such as Borges or Cortazar, were successfully translated into the Romanian language. We should also mention Argentinean media productions, such as the soap operas, which have grown popular in Romania, as well as the important Argentinean movies, present at film festivals,” explained Puente, who after little more than a year at his post in Romania can speak basic Romanian.
Prior to his assignment to Romania, the Argentinean counselor served nine years in Germany and two subsequent years in his home country. Regarding his latest assignment in Bucharest: “It has been a great opportunity for me to come to a country passing through an intensely transformation process, a country which has a lot in common with Argentina, with Europe, but at the same time it is different.” “Romania definitely has a special flavor,” he confessed, adding, “There are many things here that are in permanent evolution, such as the infrastructure of the capital or the renovation of old buildings. I also noticed an important growth in the telecommunication field. The Romanian people have a high degree of interconnectivity, though in other respects they remain quite traditional.”
He described Romania - Argentina relations as “excellent,” representing the needed platform for investment growth in both countries. As a testament to this, in 2008 Argentinean exports to Romania reached almost 97 million USD, while Romanian exports to Argentina totaled around 47 million USD. However, due to the effects of the economic crisis, these figures decreased by more than half in 2009. “Argentina exports flour, soy products, seamless tubes, beef, peanuts, as well as other commodities to Romania. The largest producer of seamless tubes in the world is an Argentinean company called Tenaris, which has already established itself here. They have two production plants in Romania – one is in Calarasi, the other in Zalau. Romania exports mechanical and chemical products to Argentina,” noted the counselor.
The counselor also mentioned that Argentina, which this year celebrates 200 years since the formation of its first national government, is a country with great experience in sectors such as agriculture and agricultural technologies. “The country has one of the highest agricultural productivity ratios in the world, and we are one of the highest exporters in agriculture. President Basescu mentioned during one of his speeches that Romania has the capacity of feeding many million people, but needs more investment in agriculture. So we feel that by growing the interconnection in business affairs between Romania and Argentina we can create more partnerships and joint ventures to the benefit of both parties.”
The Embassy is making efforts to promote exports from Argentina to Romania and to develop closer bilateral links in the fields of scientific and technological cooperation. This can be reciprocated with Romanian investment in Argentina. The European funds for investment here are particularly appealing. “We informed our Foreign Affairs Ministry about the investment potential in Romania and the opportunities to develop businesses here, as well as about the conditions on the local market. Last year, there was a high-level meeting between the Argentinean and the Romanian authorities on the opportunities to develop bilateral and economical relations between the two countries. We stay in contact with Romanian importers interested in the Argentinean market, and we hope that in the future we can organize some business trips. In addition, we maintain contacts with the Chamber of Commerce here. Our role at the Embassy is to help people get into contact with each other,” explained Puente.
With the opportunity to benefit from the use of the structural funds, Romania has become more attractive to investors. In turn, this could lead to faster development. “Romania will benefit from better standards of production, better quality production, and better infrastructure. This will make Argentinean businessmen see Romania in a different light, as often the general perception of a place is more influenced by its past than by its future potential. That is why another important role of our Embassy is to show a fresh approach to Romania as an investment destination,” said the counselor, who is passionate for dancing tango and fitness.

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