Business Briefs
With their worst fears of prolonged recession behind them, the confidence of CEOs for future growth has bounced back from the gloomy prospects of a year ago, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers 13th Annual Global CEO Survey.
Emphasizing that the macroeconomic outlook of Romania is improving due to stronger external demand, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission chief Jeffrey Franks announced a positive outcome at the end of the late January visit to review the progress of Romania under the economic program that is being supported by a Stand-By Arrangement.
The EBRD has revised upwards its 2010 growth forecast for the region, reflecting a slightly faster economic recovery than anticipated last October, but with stark variation across the region. The recovery is expected to strengthen moderately in 2011.
Consiliul de Administratie al Enel, prezidat de Piero Gnudi, s-a intrunit recent pentru revizuirea rezultatelor preliminare consolidate pentru 2009. Astfel, veniturile companiei au fost de 64 miliarde de euro, inregistrand o crestere de 4,6% fata de 61,2 miliarde de euro în 2008.
Bank Gutmann, institutie financiara austriaca specializata in servicii de private banking si wealth management, urmeaza sa-si deschida un birou la Bucuresti la inceputul anului viitor, a declarat Ilinca von Derenthall, senior oficer, Bank Gutmann.
Fondul National de Garantare a Creditelor pentru Intreprinderile Mici si Mijlocii (FNGCIMM) a acordat, pana la finele lunii noiembrie 9.467, garantii in valoare de aproximativ 400 de milioane de euro pentru credite ipotecare prin programul Prima Casa.
Cu o pondere de 75-80% din PIB, consumul ar trebui sa fie baza pe care economia romaneasca sa-si reia cresterea, a declarat Lucian Croitoru, consilierul guvernatorului bancii centrale, in cadrul seminarului EU-COFILE, organizat de BNR, ARB si Alpha Bank.
Tehran, Iran (CNN) -- Iran's leading business newspaper was shut down Monday for repeatedly breaking the country's press laws, state-run Press TV reported.