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Fondurile europene intre goana dupa aur si calul troian. Solutii Bancpost

Fondurile europene intre goana dupa aur si calul troian. Solutii Bancpost

Voi începe direct: sunt bancile vinovate pentru rata mica de absorbtie a fondurilor europene pâna în prezent? Ma tem ca a cauta vinovatii într-o parte sau alta, la autoritati, consultanti, companii sau banci, nu este productiv. Rata redusa a absorbitiei cred ca este cauzata de un cumul de factori care depaseste "gradina" fiecarei institutii în parte si nu poate fi acoperita în detaliu aici. În mod cert însa, a existat o asteptare foarte mare ca bancile vor credita fara probleme proiectele aprobate de autoritati pe fonduri europene. Din pacate, aceasta asteptare nu s-a concretizat si în realitate.
Financial Leaders Hall of Fame 2009

Financial Leaders Hall of Fame 2009

At the end of a difficult year for the entire business community, Business Arena Magazine is proud to recognize the achievements and successes of banks, financial institutions and business leaders that found the winning strategies in spite of the economic slowdown. Financial Leaders' Hall of Fame 2009 brought together top business leaders at a special sit-down gala dinner hosted by the Crowne Plaza Hotel. Some 100 people from the financial and banking sectors, including directors of investment funds and representatives of major companies in Romania, together with representatives of the central bank, local authorities and diplomats, all took part in this prominent event.
CEC makes headway through tough times

CEC makes headway through tough times

With a total loan volume that exceeds three times the average in the domestic banking market, CEC Bank defies the economic recession. The bank presses ahead, with its growth and progress among the top banks in Romania, according to its President, Radu Gratian Ghetea.
ING head doubts speedy economic recovery

ING head doubts speedy economic recovery

Romanias much-heralded economic recovery in the fourth quarter of 2009 will only be relevant for the statistics, Misu Negritoiu, general manager of ING Bank Romania, told Business Arena Magazine. As the economic decline became apparent in the fourth quarter of last year, the general hope is that the economy will slow down its decline in the last three months of the year, he said.