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Raiffeisen Bank secures EIB funding to finance local SMEs

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Raiffeisen Bank and the European Investment Bank (EIB) signed a 45 million Euro financing agreement, of which 30 million Euro will be allocated to Raiffeisen Bank Romania, while the remaining 15 million will go to the Raiffeisen Leasing subsidiary. The financing lines are addressed to finance projects promoted by SMEs, mid-cap companies and municipalities in Romania. EIB funds will co-finance both investment, as well as working capital projects in the areas of industry and services, as well as small and medium-scale
infrastructure schemes promoted by local authorities.
“Both EIB loans are designed to decrease the impact of the financial crisis on the SME and mid-cap sector through improved availability of long term finance provided under favourable terms. This will contribute to the strengthening the competitiveness of the Romanian economy,” said Mihai Tanasescu, EIB, Vice-President.
”The loan is addressed to SMEs and mid-cap entities, but can also be used for local authorities. Due to the more favorable pricing conditions, the bank will be able to better support its customers in their investment plans or working capital needs. This new loan fully meets Raiffeisen Bank’s strategic objective and commitment to facilitate access to programs that our clients need and to the further developement of the Romanian economy,” said James Stewart, Vice-President of Raiffeisen Bank Romania.
Both Raiffeisen Bank’s loans and Raiffeisen Leasing's financing from the EIB credit line have advantageous pricing and will be granted for medium and long term. The lending and leasing products will be provided to companies and local authorities via Raiffeisen Bank's network starting in December.

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