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Cosmote Romania launches 3G services

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Cosmote Romania has announced the launch of 3G services, offering high speed mobile Internet access and countrywide broadband coverage.
The company’s mobile broadband services are available through Connect 3G programs, offering speeds of up to 21.6 Mbps. Complementary to its 3G services launch, Cosmote also offers laptop connectivity through Connect EVDO, offering the widest coverage of high speed Internet, at speeds of up to 3.1 Mbps.
“We are very pleased to offer 3G services to our customers. Mobile broadband is already demonstrating its enormous market potential and Cosmote is fast establishing its position as a strong player in . Through faster data speeds, a high quality network fully aligned to all communication needs and best traffic volume at the most advantageous tariff plans, Mobile Internet users can now enjoy the Cosmote 3G experience. This is another step forward in our development plans that confirms our promise to keep offering relevant propositions to our customers,”  said Stefanos Theocharopoulos, CEO, Cosmote Romania.
The company also said it had upgraded its existing GPRS data network to EDGE.

Citeşte mai multe despre: Cosmote, 3G

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