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Business community hopes for the best

3728 afisari
Claudia Ariton
One of the most difficult tasks of Romanias business development in the last 10 years has been dealing with the recent namely the 2008/9 financial crisis and this year’s presidential elections.
First is the financial crisis, which hit the Romanian market quite unexpectedly – exactly when credits were becoming easier to access, unemployment was low and turnovers were soaring. Of course, not everyone was shocked by the abruptness and extent of the economic downturn throughout the global economy. Nevertheless, everyone has been affected in one way or another.
Second are the Romanian elections. Though the issues and campaigns in national elections generally address social and public issues, the outcomes have implications on the business world here in Romania, as business and the economy tend to prosper in a more relaxed and stable political environment. So this is precisely what every business leader is hoping for: new elections bringing greater political stability and therefore greater macroeconomic stability. For more information on business leaders’ views of the election, see our Vox Populi column.
It is extremely difficult, if not impossible, for anyone at Business Arena Magazine to predict how any of these two “troubled” aspects might develop in the near future, but what we can do is keep you up to date and connected to all the exciting new stories coming from the business environment.
For starters, we have a range of exclusive interviews with some of the country’s most respected business managers, such as Igael Porecki from JW Bucharest Marriott Grand Hotel, Madalina Cretu from Malev, Sonia Nastase from Howard Johnson Grand Plaza Hotel, and Leslie Hawke from Ovidiu Rom. In the Diplomacy, Tourism and IT sections, we have exclusives interviews with the American and Dutch Ambassadors to Romania, providing fresh insight on political and economic relations between Romania and its most strategic partners.
We also invite you to look at our new features regarding the real estate market, the water systems segment, the hospitality sector and CSR. Finally, you can stay up-to-date on significant moves or promotions through our On the Move column.
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Citeşte mai multe despre: arena,   afaceri,   edtorial,   bancare

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