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The Netherlands-Romanian Chamber of Commerce has a new Board

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The members of the Netherlands-Romanian Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (NRCC) have elected a new Board of Directors, which in turn appointed Peter de Ruiter (Partner, Tax and Legal Services, PricewaterhouseCoopers) as the new NRCC President.
The other board members are Bas Hoekstra, ING Lease Romania Treasurer, Robin Martens, Archicom  Vice-President, Ciprian Nanu, Remco Romania Vice President, Peter Jansen, Intertel Communications, Robert Delhaas, Econ Group, Frans van der Ent, Eureko,  Pieter Wessel, Deloitte, and Isfahan Doekhie, Management Services Bliss. 
The Chamber has announced its commitment to continuing to work closely with the Dutch Embassy in Romania, therefore Hans Smaling, Counselor for Economy and Trade, will represent the embassy as an advisor at all the Chamber meetings. As for the Chamber's role, it will continue to promote the interests of the business community it represents and enhance the dialogue with Government representatives and other business partners. 
The Netherlands Romanian Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit organization established in 2005. It now represents more then 70 direct members and over 100 Dutch companies via business associations in the Netherlands and Romania.

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