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GTS Telecom

GTS Telecom reports 10 per cent EBITDA growth last year

GTS Telecom generated revenues of 20 million Euro and an EBITDA of five million Euro in 2012, representing a ten per cent hike on the year before. The company said the business results reflected its continued focus to expand and optimize the network and commitment to providing reliable and technically superior services for its clients.

GTS Telecom mentine constant nivelul veniturilor

Furnizorul de servicii de telecomunicatii GTS Telecom (GTS), parte a grupului GTS Central Europe, a anuntat ca veniturile sale au ajuns la 23,5 milioane de euro in 2011, reprezentand un nivel similar celui înregistrat în 2010. In acelasi timp, castigurile operationale inaintea dobanzilor, taxelor si amortizarilor (EBITDA) au fost de 4,6 milioane de euro.