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Business as usual

Business as usual

JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel continues its investments and plans to spend some 900,000 Euro on modernizing a ballroom and 10 meeting rooms next year. At the same time, the hotel's General Manager, Igael Porecki, told Business Arena in an exclusive interview that Romania continued to represent an attractive market for Marriott International and further expansion was on the cards. Meanwhile, in spite of the difficult economic background, the JW Marriott official expects a small increase in the hotel's occupancy rate in 2012.

Austrian businesses need more predictability

With total investments in excess of nine billion Euro, the Austrian business community hopes the future brings more predictability in legislation and tax regulations in Romania. In the meantime, the participants to the recent Austria - Romania Roundtable Business Conference and Awards 2011 expressed their optimism regarding the prospects of the Romanian economy. At the end of this lively get-together, some of the companies and banks present at the event received awards for their efforts and achievements in this difficult economic context.
The magic of technology in the land of bureaucracy

The magic of technology in the land of bureaucracy

Twenty years ago we would spend ten USD to send ten written words to another continent. Now, at a fraction of the cost, we can send an endless quantity of information anywhere in the world. Friends, family, business partners are just a click away and we can communicate with them from anywhere.
Infineon Romania presses ahead with its development strategy

Infineon Romania presses ahead with its development strategy

Infineon Technologies has announced plans to invest another two million Euro in new microchip testers, as the company banks on steadily improving economic conditions in its core markets and strong demand across all segments. With an optimistic tone, Dr. Michael Neuhaeuser, Infineon Romania's Vice President and General Manager, said he expected continued growth for his companys operations in the next 12 months.
Greek Awards for Excellence 2010

Greek Awards for Excellence 2010

Citing corruption, bureaucracy and the frequent changes in fiscal legislation as some of the main hurdles affecting the business environment in Romania, the representatives of the Greek business community are still optimistic. Gathered together at the Grand Hotel Continental, the diplomats and business people participating in Business Arenas Greece/Romania Roundtable Business Conference and Awards 2010 sounded a positive note with regard to the future of Greek/Romanian business ties.
Fondurile europene intre goana dupa aur si calul troian. Solutii Bancpost

Fondurile europene intre goana dupa aur si calul troian. Solutii Bancpost

Voi începe direct: sunt bancile vinovate pentru rata mica de absorbtie a fondurilor europene pâna în prezent? Ma tem ca a cauta vinovatii într-o parte sau alta, la autoritati, consultanti, companii sau banci, nu este productiv. Rata redusa a absorbitiei cred ca este cauzata de un cumul de factori care depaseste "gradina" fiecarei institutii în parte si nu poate fi acoperita în detaliu aici. În mod cert însa, a existat o asteptare foarte mare ca bancile vor credita fara probleme proiectele aprobate de autoritati pe fonduri europene. Din pacate, aceasta asteptare nu s-a concretizat si în realitate.

Magia comunicarii un Phoenix perpetuu

Atat in business, cat si in viata personala, nu putem vorbi de succes fara transmiterea informatiilor. Cheia este o buna comunicare! in Romania, eficienta in comunicare incepe sa prinda contur, ba chiar, atunci cand vorbim de pionierii comunicarii postdecembriste, putem vorbi de modele demne de urmat.

Bugetul, aurul si ardelenii

Daca România vrea sa aiba cu adevarat o crestere economica durabila, e nevoie sa-si valorifice resursele minerale. Aceasta a fost una dintre concluziile recentei Conferinte Nationale 'Minerit Modern în România - dezvoltare durabila locala si regionala în context european', organizata de portalul national de administratie publica,
Porsche Romania focuses on market share growth

Porsche Romania focuses on market share growth

In spite of the lackluster performance displayed by the car sales market, Porsche Romania general manager Gunther Seifert is optimistic. He strongly believes in the growth potential car sales have in this country. So Seifert is looking forward to a recovery in the domestic economy by 2011, when he estimates the effects of the crisis will start to diminish. Meanwhile, his company is focusing on increasing the market share for its brands in Romania. a

Unirea Medical Center continues investment following Advent takeover

Unirea Medical Center is keen to continue its 2010-11 investment strategy, now that Advent International, an investment fund, has become an 80 per cent shareholder of the medical group. Thus, Unirea Medical Center is expected to allocate around 30 million Euro for its development in the Romanian market.
Economia prin lupa avocatului de business

Economia prin lupa avocatului de business

Un bun cunoscator al culiselor mediului de afaceri din Romania, Doru Bostina, managing partner la Bostina si Asociatii, considera ca statul ar trebui sa asigure un cadru adecvat pentru dezvoltarea afacerilor, bazat pe stabilitate legislativa si predictibilitate fiscala.
Bancpost supports the Greek-Romanian partnership

Bancpost supports the Greek-Romanian partnership

Strengthening the bilateral commercial relations between Greece and Romania, while supporting the small and medium enterprises by extending their businesses on new markets, were among the key subjects discussed at the recent roundtable, "The Greek-Romanian Partnership: Business Opportunities." The roundtable took place at the Athenee Palace Hilton hotel, as part of the Business Forum and Exhibition of Food Products and Beverages.
Ramada Hotel presses ahead with its development plans

Ramada Hotel presses ahead with its development plans

A dedicated professional and passionate hotelier, Daniel Ben Yehuda, general manager of Ramada Plaza, presses ahead with his development plans despite difficult economic conditions. This year, the Ramada Bucharest Parc team is renovating its spa & pool sector, while larger expansion plans are in the works, such as a 2,500 sqm congress hall.

Restoration program shows results at Rosia Montana

Rosia Montana Gold Corporation (RMGC) has announced the completion of restoration works at the first building in the historical centre of Rosia Montana after two years of complex works. The building hosts the permanent mining history exhibition, "Aurul Apusenilor" (The Gold of Apuseni) and its restoration is only the first stage in the construction of the future Mining Museum in Rosia Montana.
Most Admired Business Women Awards Gala 2010

Most Admired Business Women Awards Gala 2010

The event reunited the ladies that make a difference in various domains and who have brought their contribution to the Romanian economy throughout the years. Business Arena Magazine proudly recognized the creativity and leadership of women in the workplace and their vital contribution to the success of business and banking activities throughout Romania. Hosted by the Crowne Plaza Hotel earlier this week, the Gala brought together around 180 guests in a festive atmosphere.

Agentiile de turism isi diversifica oferta de Paste

Avand in vedere conditiile economice actuale, anul 2010 ar putea aduce pe ansamblu o stagnare a pietei turismului din Romania, sau, intr-un context mai optimist, o crestere de 10%, potrivit reprezentantilor agentiilor de turism. Cu toate acestea, agentiile pregatesc noi oferte pentru perioada sarbatorilor de Paste, care sa atraga potentialii clienti, si spera sa inregistreze rezultate pozitive in acest an.
Going with the market's flow

Going with the market's flow

After ending a financially difficult and psychologically stressful 2009, due to the crisis-related changes endured by the local economy, most market players have learned the lesson of precaution quite well. The survivors have maintained the focus on developing their businesses, seeking expansion and new contracts, modifying investment plans and hoping for a better 2010 than forecasters have predicted.
Omul care aduce schimbarea

Omul care aduce schimbarea

A fost numita in functie pentru a aduce schimbarea si a reusit. Afacerile Omnicom Media Group in România se dezvolta in alt ritm de cand Carmen Tanasie a preluat conducerea afacerilor. Castigarea contului de media Vodafone, Dacia - Renault - Nissan & Infiniti, cresterea cotei de piata de la 2,7% la 4,2% în 2007 sunt doar câteva dintre realizarile cu care Carmen Tanasie, CEO, Omnicom Media Group Romania, se poate mandri. La preluarea conducerii Omnicom Media Group, Carmen Tanasie trebuia sa faca fata la doua provocari: lansarea grupului in si relansarea OMD, agentie prin care compania Omnicom era prezenta in inca din 2000.