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Summer in the city

2300 afisari
Luciana Petrescu
It's time to slow down and enjoy the sun. If you are not in a field of business flourishing during these summer months, then you are lucky and can dedicate your time to a myriad of mellower activities.
I’m not talking about a well-deserved vacation both for you and your employees! I’m pointing out that this is the perfect time to analyze what you have done and what you will have to do in order to achieve your goals. This is the moment to make adjustments, to train your people, see in what other directions you need some extra-tuning in order to become more competitive.

Are you supposed to spend the summer in the city? You can explore new and exciting possibilities connected to other towns or maybe even different countries. Would you like to start a new business? There is no better time than the present to see what is to do about it!
On the other hand, summer is the perfect opportunity for you to take some time and think about yourself as an individual. One aspect too often ignored is one’s health. Pushing at full speed during the most active months of the year (usually spring, fall and part of winter), you tend to forget that a successful business starts with a healthy person. This statement is valid both for you and your people.
To read the full version, see the print edition of Business Arena.

May you have a wonderful summer and I’ll see you back in September!

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