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Hold the dream

4353 afisari
Luciana Petrescu
You guessed right, I am indeed referring to Barbara Taylor Bradford's best seller series. Epic, isn't it? I can't help thinking that both writer and story, actually speak about something well anchored in reality.
It's about brains, determination and a passion to achieve something in life, particularly creating a successful business that can be inherited by our descendants.
As a woman and an entrepreneur at the same time, it is easier for me to point out that – although we have to fight both business competitors and, often enough, old-fashioned mentalities – we have a say in the global economic environment. And there are brilliant examples supporting that statement: the name of Oprah Winfrey springs to mind and, closer to home, we have many examples of enterprising ladies such as Anca Bidian, Maria Grapini and Camelia Sucu.
We affirm our equality not only by creating successful businesses, but also by building ourselves a strong presence in the media. The pages of Business Arena Magazine stand witness to the trend, having hosted articles written by outstanding female experts and having featured success stories involving top business ladies and female entrepreneurs.
Leaving modesty aside for a second, perhaps we have an advantage, our intuition and emotional intelligence allowing faster adaptation to any given situation. Also we seem to possess a detailed vision of how we can reach our goals. Thus, never let go of your dream. Never forget that only a woman of substance can reach her goals, regardless of the field she has chosen. Hold on to that dream and take business a step forward!

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