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Fear has said its prayers

2236 afisari
Luciana Petrescu
Henry Ross Perot used to say: "Punishing honest mistakes stifles creativity. I want people moving and shaking the earth and they are going to make mistakes." There is no perfect recipe for success, thus you should focus on your goals and not be affraid that you might make mistakes.
They are inevitable in business, as in life, but they build character and open your eyes in ways you would never expect.
As Doroth Bernard stated, courage is fear that has said its prayers. So take a deep breath and go on: find new business niches, grow your business, lead your people to new heights so they can shake the earth. Don’t listen to the noise around you, but decide to let that little voice inside you (instinct) and do as it says. It never goes wrong!
Don’t believe me. Believe Mark Twain who said that “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear”. The shifting times we are living gave us all a harsh – yet a commonsense - lesson in life: nothing lasts forever, as we know it. So go with the flow and adjust. Do more than just survive. Adapt, discover and grow in a new world for a new generation.

To read the full version, see the print edition of Business Arena.

May you have profitable business and a Happy Easter!

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