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Dear reader friends,

5761 afisari
Luminita Fatu
With the end of 2012 fast approaching, this is a time for reflection and joy for all those who have reasons to be proud of. It's been a troubled year both economically and socially, so in such circumstances the key to success has involved several factors such as hard work, perseverance and firm
commitment to work well done.
Once more, Business Arena has been a true promotion platform for all those successful individuals and organizations, putting into the spotlight their value and achievements. At the same time, through partnerships with Romanian civil society representatives, the magazine has supported efforts and events aiming at promoting Romania’s image in the world and improving its domestic social environment.  
On that note, Business Arena has entered a partnership with the Association of Romanian Diplomats’ Partners (APDR) this year, granting editorial space to diplomacy-related topics and reporting on diplomatic get-togethers aimed at enhancing the country’s image in the presence of foreign diplomats in Bucharest. In turn, the association has thrown its weight behind the business events organized by the magazine, from roundtable meetings dedicated to foreign business communities to award galas.          

To read the full version, see the print edition of Business Arena.

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