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A new day has come

4525 afisari
Luciana Petrescu
Vacations are over, trips are now business-related, cities buzz with activity and the Universe is back to normal, to its day-to-day rush towards reaching goals, fulfilling objectives and making profits. For some the summer was short, for others it is just beginning. One thing is clear, everybody feels the rush of a new start, with a lot of energy and determination.
Vacations are over, trips are now business-related, cities buzz with activity and the Universe is back to normal, to its day-to-day rush towards reaching goals, fulfilling objectives and making profits. For some the summer was short, for others it is just beginning. One thing is clear, everybody feels the rush of a new start, with a lot of energy and determination.
On this note, we welcome you to the autumn editions of Business Arena Magazine. This season will bring more information, more stories about challenges and ways to overcome them, more real-life examples and know-how from leaders in their areas of expertise. Many new projects are being tackled and we are ready to invite you to traditional Business Arena events, such as the “Financial Leaders’ Hall of Fame Gala”, and to lively roundtable meetings, offering new insights into a variety of topics, as well as excellent networking opportunities.
Under the sign of steadfast development, we continue to offer you valuable information from a wide range of professionals, a variety of topics and enhanced opportunities, providing integrated solutions for the success of your business.  
As Sir Richard Branson says, “a business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts.”
Enjoy your reading and see you soon!

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